Frequently asked questions

For additional questions, please email us at

  • Hendrx Health is a concierge testosterone optimization practice for men. We focus on taking your current testosterone levels and bringing them to your full potential. Our goal is to help men improve symptoms of low testosterone.

    Symptoms of low testosterone include: reduced energy and endurance, low sex drive, weight gain, difficulty concentrating, reduced muscle mass, increased hair loss, mood changes, and diminished physical performance.

    We provide a thorough biomarker assessment and medication, if needed.

  • The cost of a Hendrx Health testosterone therapy membership is $295* a month.

    The monthly membership fee includes all provider consultations and ongoing follow-up telehealth visits, a personalized treatment plan with continuous monitoring, testosterone medication shipped to you, an estrogen inhibitor (if necessary), as well as the supplies needed to properly administer your medication such as syringes, alcohol wipes, and needles.

    The cost of regular lab testing is also included in the monthly membership.

    When it is time for new lab work, we will email the lab order to you. You will then schedule your lab appointment with our lab partner, Labcorp. Remember to print the lab order emailed to you and bring it to your lab appointment.

    Labs are ordered prior to your in-person consultation, and typically every 3-6 months thereafter on an ongoing basis. You will be able to view your lab results via the Labcorp Patient Portal or app.

    *Please note that the monthly membership fee is subject to change; however, we will provide you with a minimum of three months advance notice regarding any adjustments.

  • Yes! The cost of regular lab testing is included in the monthly membership. When it is time for new lab work, Dr. Hendricks will email the lab order to you. You will then schedule your lab appointment with our lab partner, Labcorp. Remember to print the lab order that Dr. Hendricks emails to you and bring it to your lab appointment.

    Labs are ordered prior to your first formal consultation with Dr. Hendricks, and typically every 3-6 months thereafter on an ongoing basis. You will be able to view/monitor your lab results via the Labcorp Patient Portal or app.

    You can certainly obtain lab work on your own, however, the cost is already built into the monthly membership fee. Obtaining lab work on your own will not reduce the cost of the monthly membership. This is one of the many benefits of having a Hendrx Health membership.

    The lab orders include free and total testosterone, Estradiol, a complete blood count, a comprehensive metabolic panel, vitamin B12, vitamin D, a complete thyroid panel, prostate specific antigen, a lipid panel, luteinizing hormone, and follicular stimulating hormone.

  • Becoming a Hendrx Health member is easy! Click here to complete our new patient assessment forms and schedule your first tele-visit.

    During your first tele-visit, we will review your medical history and discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

    We will also order your lab work and schedule your follow-up visit.

    During your follow-up visit, we will review your lab results to determine if you are a good candidate for testosterone replacement therapy.

    If treatment is appropriate, we will create your personalized testosterone replacement plan.

    Once your therapy is underway, we will optimize your regimen to maximize your treatment response.

  • You will receive a confirmation e-mail with instructions for your telehealth consultation. We use Zoom as the platform and it is very easy to use. There are no software downloads required, but for privacy reasons you may be asked to enter a passcode to start the meeting. It may take a few minutes for the meeting to start. During the consult, the doctor will review your intake forms, review your concerns, and order labs. Finally, Dr. Hendricks will schedule your follow up visit.

  • Testosterone has multiple forms, and can be used through varying methods. At Hendrx Health, we offer self-administered subcutaneous and intramuscular injections.

    Subcutaneous injections can be done in certain areas of the belly, arms, thighs, or buttocks. For Subcutaneous injections, injecting into the belly fat area is recommended as it doesn’t have any structures such as blood vessels and nerves close to the skin. It also tends to have a decent layer of fat tissue under the skin so that you do not accidentally inject too deep past the subcutaneous layer. The belly area is also accessible and viewable to allow easy injections.

    Intramuscular injections can be done in the buttocks or thigh. For intramuscular injections, we recommend injecting into the glute, as it is normally the most comfortable area to inject into, with very little discomfort during and after injecting.

    Depending on your preference, we will guide you on how to complete your initial testosterone injection.

    How to: Subcutaneous Injection

    How to: Intramuscular Injection

  • Symptoms of low testosterone can vary between individuals.

    An intensive blood work panel will determine if you are suffering from low T, but commonly experienced symptoms may include constant exhaustion, depression, weight loss issues, loss of muscle mass, increases in belly fat, sexual dysfunctions, loss of libido, brain fog and sleeping issues.

    Lower sexual performance. Men with low testosterone typically experience a lower libido and diminished level of sexual function, as having less testosterone reduces the sex drive. On average, these men tend to seek out sex less often.

    Erectile dysfunction. Along with lower libido, Low testosterone is often correlated with lower rates of achieving and maintaining erections. Keep in mind, this symptom is affected by many other factors, including mood, obesity, and various psychological & physiological causes.

    Changes in mood. Low testosterone can often be associated with irritability and fatigue in men – making them feel more tired, worn out and more easily exhausted. Men with low T are also known to have shorter tempers and a poorer mood. Clinical evidence has concluded there is a greater likelihood of depression in patients with low testosterone.

    Changes in body composition. Testosterone is a hormone that plays heavily into male body composition, contributing to the balance between muscle mass and fat mass. Men with Low T often show increases in fat mass compared to muscle mass. This leads to a loss of overall body composition compared to younger years when testosterone levels are naturally higher.

    Lower quality of life. Quality of life is defined by the World Health Organization as "an individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns.”

    If you identify with any of these concerns, we recommend scheduling a consult with us so that we can order a lab test and review your symptoms to determine whether you have low testosterone.

  • One of the great benefits of having a Hendrx Health membership is the access that you have to Dr Hendricks.

    Starting testosterone therapy can seem daunting for some at first. At Hendrx Health, your provider is easily accessible to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

    Once you become a member, you will be provided with Dr. Hendrick’s direct phone number, which you can use to call or text him anytime.

    For general questions not related to your testosterone therapy treatment plan, you can check out our comprehensive frequently asked questions.

    If you still need assistance, email us anytime at, or call or text our support line at (786) 972-7753 and a member of our staff will respond as quickly as possible.

    For emergency situations, please dial 911.

  • Dr. Hendricks is a board-certified Family Medicine physician with a passion for anti-aging therapies.

    He is extremely passionate about improving the quality of life for patients with hormone deficiencies. As a patient and a provider, he has found testosterone replacement therapy life-changing.

    He looks forward to sharing his experience in hormone replacement and helping you achieve your best self.

  • Testosterone is a sex hormone important to male sexual development and function. This hormone also plays a significant role in male characteristics like facial hair and muscle mass and affects bone health and mood.

    In men, testosterone production increases during puberty and peaks during early adulthood, then starts declining around age 30. Though testosterone levels decrease slowly, changes in hormone balance affect physical and emotional well-being.

  • Testosterone replacement therapy is a non-invasive medical treatment in which testosterone is prescribed to compensate for below-average levels. It is a unique type of hormone replacement therapy designed to restore healthy testosterone levels in someone who suffers from low testosterone.

    If you have low testosterone, the best way to maintain and optimize the body’s capacity for producing testosterone is to undergo replacement therapy.

    While your body may be producing less testosterone than normal, the body’s androgen receptors are still more than capable of using the testosterone it receives.

    When supplemented through testosterone replacement therapy, your testosterone levels can approach the levels you had when you were younger.

    When you commit to a testosterone replacement therapy regimen supervised by a physician, it’s possible to reverse the symptoms of low testosterone.

    Testosterone replacement therapy works by bringing your body back to a healthy range, which then slowly begins to reverse the symptoms of low T.

    If you’re experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, it might be time to consider testosterone replacement therapy.

  • In men, testosterone production increases during puberty and peaks during early adulthood.

    Total testosterone levels fall by about 1% a year starting around age 30. Free testosterone, the form that does the hormone’s work, falls about 2% a year.

    Though testosterone levels decrease slowly, changes in hormone balance can have a negative impact on your physical and emotional well-being.

  • Results from testosterone replacement therapy vary. However, once a steady baseline dose of testosterone has been established, most men notice an increase in energy levels, improved strength and exercise tolerance.

    Other benefits include an increased libido and sex drive, improved sexual confidence, improved mental function, mood and an overall improvement in their quality of life.

    At Hendrx Health, we conduct regular check-ins with you to assess your response and adjust your plan as needed. In addition, we will periodically review your blood work to monitor your current testosterone levels.

  • Most patients experience no major side effects while on testosterone except for the added benefits of the therapy. However, adverse reactions do occur and are easy to correct.

    While some men experience side effects after testosterone replacement therapy, there are no comprehensive clinical studies to establish the long-term side effects of testosterone replacement. In general, testosterone replacement is considered a safe therapy.

    Some major side effects, which are rare, include an increase in red blood cells, gynecomastia, acne, fluid retention, and a decrease in sperm count.

    At Hendrx Health, we will closely monitor your health during your follow-up visits. If necessary, we will adjust your therapy and address the side effects if they occur.

  • Unfortunately, it does not. We are unable to file claims to any health insurance agencies. While we can’t file on your behalf, flexible spending benefits may help pay for treatment. We recommend you speak to your HSA or FSA provider to discuss what is and/or is not covered.

  • We recommend you speak to your HSA or FSA provider to discuss what is and/or is not covered.

    We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.

  • The short answer is yes!

    Testosterone levels within the ‘normal’ range can be optimized with guidance from a physician.

    Even if your testosterone levels are within normal parameters, there are benefits to optimizing your levels.

    While some men may not technically have a testosterone level that ranks as critically low, they may still experience symptoms of Low T – such as diminished sexual function, minor fluctuations in mood, poor muscle gain, and excess body fat.

    For men with low-normal testosterone levels, it is possible to optimize them with a dedicated replacement regimen.

    It is perfectly normal and safe to engage in testosterone replacement if you have slightly lower testosterone levels, and simply wish to get them back to levels higher in the normal range.

    Hendrx Health welcomes patients who want to improve their physical health through testosterone replacement therapy. We are more than happy to work with patients to figure out a treatment program that works for the individual, in addition to wellness programs that emphasize diet, exercise and other lifestyle changes.

  • Typically, TRT is administered in cycles and is used in combination with a diet and exercise plan. TRT is frequently delivered this way because it gives the body a chance to rehabilitate itself and naturally increase T production. Research has shown that excess belly fat is a major culprit for low T levels, since it triggers estrogen production which can hurt the body’s levels of T.

    Several studies have shown that TRT promotes fat loss and encourages muscle building, thanks to its powerful impact on muscle protein synthesis. Often when men with low T lose body fat and gain muscle mass, the gonads will begin to produce T once again. Lifelong TRT is rarely necessary, but it can be prescribed to men in specific circumstances.

    There is no one-size-fits-all solution for men with low T, but our health care professionals work with each patient on an individual basis to establish what regimen of hormone replacement therapy is right for them.

  • After starting testosterone replacement therapy, most patients begin to see results in 2-3 weeks. The time it takes for men to see noticeable results varies according to their pre-existing testosterone levels and how quickly their body metabolizes the medication.

    It generally takes 2 weeks before the body builds up enough supplemental testosterone to show results, but for some men it may take months to achieve the full benefit of testosterone replacement. Some of the first benefits reported by patients include increased energy, focus, and better memory.

  • Diet and lifestyle play an important role in hormone health, but there is no guarantee that eating certain foods will help boost testosterone levels.

    While diet and nutrition are important factors for our body composition at all stages of life, studies have not made a conclusive connection between nutrition and testosterone levels.

    Getting enough of certain nutrients like zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D from healthy foods may indirectly help increase testosterone production, while eating a diet filled with processed foods may be associated with lower testosterone levels.

    A fresh, produce focused diet has shown to be correlated with normal and above average testosterone levels. While a diet high in processed foods has shown a strong correlation with low testosterone levels.

  • According to the American Hair Loss Association, male pattern baldness (MPB) affects almost 95% of American men dealing with premature thinning. Low T is one of the primary underlying issues for men diagnosed with MPB.

    MPB associated hair loss has a distinct pattern. Experts say the thinning pattern looks similar to an “M.” Typically, it attacks the front of the hairline first. The edges and sides gradually recede as well. MPB also causes hair to thin in the center, also known as the crown or vortex. The earlier you can slow the rate of thinning, the better.

    Ignoring hair loss can cause MPB to worsen. In later stages, the “M” shape can transform into a “U.” Without proper treatment, the bald patches can connect.

    For some men, low T doesn’t only affect hair on the head. Hypogonadism has been proven to cause thinning and bald patches to develop on the chest, arms, back, and groin too.

    If you have concerns regarding hair loss, schedule an appointment at to learn more.

  • According to the American Urological Association, around 2% of adult men are diagnosed with low T every year.

    Researchers believe that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There could be several men still battling symptoms, but who refuse to get it checked out due to the negative stigma attached to low T.

  • With the help of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, many men have experienced tremendous results in alleviating the aforementioned symptoms. There’s a significant body of research on TRT, much of which supports its use on men with Low T; a study conducted by Saint Louis University, for instance, notes the following effects for patients who have undergone TRT:

    Greater libido and overall sexual function. Men who go through TRT have seen improvements in their sexual function and overall desire, as well as reduced rates of erectile dysfunction.

    Improved body composition, including higher muscle mass. TRT is also linked to greater muscle mass and body composition in people suffering from Low T, especially for older men who have already experience body composition deficits through normal aging.

    Improved cognition and mood. TRT is also associated with marked improvements in attitude and mood, as well as heightened sense of self-regard and well-being.

    Greater bone mineral density. Low T often has deleterious effects on bone mineral density (BMD); TRT is subsequently associated with increased BMD.

    Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Since TRT is often linked to lower fat mass and greater muscle mass, corresponding health benefits include lower risk factors for heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions.

  • Our professionals feel that testosterone injections are the most effective method of administration for this type of therapy because it allows us to control your dose more easily.

    Hendrx Health understands that some patients are uncomfortable with the idea of injections. Men who only require a low dose testosterone regimen may be good candidates for the creams or gels, though these are prescribed only after careful consideration of the patient’s individual needs.

  • Our team believes that Testosterone injections are the most effective administration as the dose can be highly regulated and controlled.

    Hendrx Health understands that some patients are uncomfortable with the idea of injections. Men who only require a low dose testosterone regimen may be good candidates for the creams or gels, though these are prescribed only after careful consideration of the patient’s individual needs.

  • Yes - you can cancel anytime. Some patients simply need a "boost" to become balanced, then their body can maintain the balance.

    Of course, your doctor is the best resource you have to manage your therapy over time.

    Your commitment to hormone therapy should last as long as you want the results, and for as long as you want to improve your quality of life.

    There is no long term contract and you can cancel anytime. However, we recommend that you give the treatment program six months to realize the full benefits.

    Simply email us at to let us know that you would like to cancel your membership.

  • Easy! Just send us an e-mail at requesting to cancel.

  • While all of our follow-up visits are conducted via telehealth, we do have a physical location where we conduct all of our initial in-person consultations.

    Our office is located in Miami Gardens at 15600 NW 15th Ave suite C.