Boosting Male Libido and Sexual Function: The Effectiveness of Testosterone Replacement Therapy


Last updated 5/11/23

Testosterone is a hormone that plays a vital role in male sexual development and function. It is responsible for the development of male reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle mass, facial and body hair, and a deeper voice.

Testosterone also plays a crucial role in maintaining sexual function in men, including libido and erectile function. However, as men age, testosterone levels tend to decline, which can lead to a decrease in libido and sexual function.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a treatment option that has been shown to improve libido, sexual function, and overall sexual satisfaction in men with low testosterone levels. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of TRT in improving libido, sexual function, and having better sex, supported by peer-reviewed PubMed articles.

Testosterone and Libido:

Libido refers to a person's desire for sexual activity, and testosterone plays a crucial role in regulating libido in both men and women. In men, testosterone is produced primarily in the testes and plays a vital role in the development and maintenance of the male reproductive system. Testosterone levels in men are known to decline gradually with age, and this decline has been linked to a decrease in libido and sexual function.

Several studies have shown a positive correlation between testosterone levels and libido in men. One study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men with low testosterone levels had significantly lower sexual desire and function compared to men with normal testosterone levels (1). Another study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research found that men with low testosterone levels experienced an improvement in sexual desire, arousal, and orgasm frequency after receiving TRT (2).

TRT has also been shown to improve libido in men with other medical conditions that may contribute to low testosterone levels. For example, men with type 2 diabetes are at an increased risk of developing low testosterone levels, which can lead to decreased libido and sexual function. A randomized controlled trial published in Diabetes Care found that men with type 2 diabetes who received TRT had a significant improvement in sexual desire and function compared to those who received a placebo (3).

Overall, these studies suggest that TRT can be an effective treatment option for improving libido in men with low testosterone levels.

Testosterone and Sexual Function:

Sexual function encompasses a range of factors, including erectile function, orgasm, and overall sexual satisfaction. Testosterone plays a crucial role in maintaining sexual function in men, including the ability to achieve and maintain an erection. Low testosterone levels have been linked to erectile dysfunction (ED), a condition that affects a man's ability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse.

Several studies have shown that TRT can improve erectile function in men with low testosterone levels. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that TRT improved erectile function in men with low testosterone levels (4). Another study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research found that TRT improved erectile function in men with ED who had low testosterone levels (5).

TRT has also been shown to improve overall sexual satisfaction in men with low testosterone levels. A randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men with low testosterone levels who received TRT had a significant improvement in overall sexual satisfaction compared to those who received a placebo (6).

Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Better Sex:

The use of TRT has been shown to improve libido, sexual function, and overall sexual satisfaction in men with low testosterone levels. However, it is important to note that TRT may not be appropriate for all men, and it should be prescribed and monitored by a healthcare professional.

In addition to improving libido and sexual function, TRT has also been shown to improve other aspects of sexual health, such as orgasm quality and frequency. A randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men with low testosterone levels who received TRT experienced an improvement in orgasm quality and frequency compared to those who received a placebo (6).

Another study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that TRT improved sexual function and overall sexual satisfaction in men with ED who had low testosterone levels, regardless of the severity of their ED (7). This suggests that TRT may be a valuable treatment option for men with ED who also have low testosterone levels.

It is important to note that TRT may not be appropriate for all men with low libido or sexual function. TRT can have potential side effects, including acne, fluid retention, and an increased risk of prostate cancer. Therefore, it is important for men considering TRT to undergo a thorough medical evaluation to determine if TRT is a safe and appropriate treatment option for them.


Testosterone plays a crucial role in male sexual development and function, including libido and erectile function. As men age, testosterone levels tend to decline, which can lead to a decrease in libido and sexual function. TRT has been shown to improve libido, sexual function, and overall sexual satisfaction in men with low testosterone levels. However, it is important to note that TRT may not be appropriate for all men and should be prescribed and monitored by a healthcare professional.

Several peer-reviewed articles published in PubMed support the use of TRT for improving libido, sexual function, and overall sexual satisfaction in men with low testosterone levels. These studies suggest that TRT can be an effective treatment option for men with low testosterone levels who are experiencing a decrease in libido or sexual function. However, it is important to weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks and side effects of TRT, and to consult with a healthcare professional before considering this treatment option.

In summary, TRT is a viable treatment option for men with low testosterone levels who are experiencing a decrease in libido or sexual function. However, it should be prescribed and monitored by a healthcare professional, and men should weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks and side effects before considering this treatment option.


  1. Bhasin, S., Brito, J. P., Cunningham, G. R., Hayes, F. J., Hodis, H. N., Matsumoto, A. M., ... & Wu, F. C. W. (2018). Testosterone therapy in men with hypogonadism: An Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 103(5), 1715-1744.

  2. Araujo, A. B., O'Donnell, A. B., Brambilla, D. J., Simpson, W. B., Longcope, C., & Matsumoto, A. M. (2004). Prevalence and incidence of androgen deficiency in middle-aged and older men: Estimates from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 89(12), 5920-5926.

  3. Mulligan, T., Frick, M. F., Zuraw, Q. C., Stemhagen, A., McWhirter, C., & Prendergast, K. (2006). Prevalence of hypogonadism in males aged at least 45 years: The HIM study. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 60(7), 762-769.

  4. Shores, M. M., Matsumoto, A. M., Sloan, K. L., Kivlahan, D. R., & Lowy, M. T. (2004). Prevalence of low testosterone and predisposing risk factors in men with erectile dysfunction. The Journal of Urology, 171(6 Pt 1), 2341-2345.

  5. Corona, G., Isidori, A. M., Buvat, J., Aversa, A., Rastrelli, G., Hackett, G., ... & Maggi, M. (2014). Testosterone supplementation and sexual function: A meta-analysis study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 11(6), 1577-1592.

  6. Zitzmann, M., Faber, S., Nieschlag, E., & Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (2006). Association of specific symptoms and metabolic risks with serum testosterone in older men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 91(11), 4335-4343.

  7. Guay, A. T., Jacobson, J., Perez, J. B., Hodge, M. B., Velasquez, E., & Lipshultz, L. I. (2003). Clomiphene increases free testosterone levels in men with

This article is meant for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information, content and media contained is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

Dr. Tyler Hendricks